All current Roleplay Police groups are listed here.
Welcome To The Official Royal Pandahut Police Department Group
The Official Group Of The Royal Pandahut Police Department
Land, Sea and Air

The Royal Pandahut Police Department
This specialized police group of highly trained police officers, SWAT members and members of the PD (Police Department) are always on standby.
The members of the R.P.P.D. respond to every raid, every robbery and will make Washington a better and more safe place to live.
Our members are also here to help the people in need. Are you lost and dont know where you ar? We are there for you!
We have the best teachers in our schools to make sure everyone gets the right training for their rank and function.

General Information
The R.P.P.D. is planning on making a HQ. We dont know where yet but this will be discussed later on.
We love the people of Washington and love talking to them.
We highly support the PD and other groups and will make sure we work with them together.

The Royal Pandahut Police Department's Goal
We know how the bandits think of the police force right now in Washington.
They think we are weak, messy and not disciplined. Well that has to change!
The goal of the R.P.P.D. is to make the criminals scared of the police force.
The PD and us are going to make the police force as strong as it has never been before,
and make Washington a safe place to live again.

How Do You Join The R.P.P.D.
NOTE: You are required to join our discord before you can be accepted! Otherwise your application will not be taken into consideration!

  1. 1 Reply To This Post Using The Format Below

Copy the format below, if not responded in this exact format we will not take your application into consideration!
Code: Select allIn Game Name: SteamID64: Age: Vouches: Curret role: How many hours have you spend in unturned: How many hours have you spend on pandahut: How many hours have you spend being police: Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?: Name and explain at least 5 of the police commands that you know: What are the illegal items?: Explain why you want to join the R.P.P.D. (MINIMUM of 50 words): Do you agree to stay loyal and active (this will otherwise result in a demotion or kick): What would you do if you were at the HQ and there was a kidnapping going on?: What would you do if you saw a R.P.P.D. Member being corrupt?: What would you do if you saw one of the R.P.A.F. Founders being corrupt?:
Copy the format above, paste it as a reply and fill it out!
  1. 2 Wait for one of the founders (TastyMelon or TheElectricMeatball) or one of our "Recruitment Staff" members to respond to your application.

  1. 3 After we have checked your application we will make an appointment with you in game to test your basic knowledge and skills.

  1. 4 When you pass the tests one of our "Recruitment Staff" members will have a talk with you about how the test went, how you scored and will write down any additional information down for the founders. If one of the founders or any one from our "Recruitment Staff" members think you are fit to join, we will gladly respond to your application with your acceptation and welcome you to our team! (As well as adding you to our steam group).

  1. NOTE if you get denied we comment on your application with any tips and or things we missed in your application and or tests and gladly welcome you to re-apply in 1 week. (If declined again for the second time reapply in 2 weeks).

Training (School) And Ranking

When you are accepted in our group, we would love it that you have the motivation to train yourself to the top. For this we have a ranking system.

  1. R.P.P.D. Trainee (Starter Rank)

  1. R.P.P.D. Recruit (Promotable)

  1. R.P.P.D. Officer (Promotable)

  1. R.P.P.D. Senior Officer(Promotable)

  1. R.P.P.D. Trainer (Invitable)

  1. R.P.P.D. Head Trainer (Promotable)

  1. R.P.P.D. Group Mod (Apply-able)

  1. R.P.P.D Group Admin (Promotable)

  1. R.P.P.D Group Founder (Not achievable-TastyMelon/TheElectricMeatball)

Offcourse we are not only offering these ranks, we are also offering school. School you say? Yes school!
We have a training program with different kinds of extra ranks that can be added to your current rank. Offcourse these extra ranks are not free and we are working on adding more ranks.

All licenses are bought with bb. Every time you take a test you will need to pay the full price for that test. If you fail you need to pay the test fee again to take another test (if desired).
We will add more training classes including flight tests and even lessons.
PS: If you buy a package with lessons and a test, you do NOT have to pay the test since it is already in the package. If you fail the test you will need to pay the normal fee to re-take the test.

Current extra ranks:
Cost for police: 1500
Cost for Civilians: 2500
Cost for Chief or higher: FREE
Someone that has the "Paratrooper" license will be able to come with us in a helicopter or a plane to raids, kidnappings or even robberies. They will drop from the aircrafts down to make great actions and use tactics that have been spoken of beforehand.
For the civilians its just a fun ride where they can jump out of an airplane. Like a tourist attraction so to speak

All of these ranks will be saved in our database and if you abuse these ranks you will be removed from the rank or even the group!
An example would be: Cop A did not have the "Paratrooper" rank but still went on a mission and jumped out of the airplane bringing his and others their lives in danger.

Need to contact us? Do so in game, Discord or on steam.

Thankyou for taking time to read this, we hope to work with you soon!
~Founders TastyMelon and TheElectricMeatball
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