Post Your Ideas or Suggestions for our RP Servers Here!
By Sudath
I like the second idea a lot. Would definitely make getting arrested instead of being shot down more appealing.
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By WildCard_Extreme
I personally do not like these suggestions since firstly about the first one, lets say I rob someone and they take out a gun to kill me and Im forced to shoot them. I would expect to get their loot after the trouble I went to, to rob them. Also about the second one I dislike since if you are poor and only have a certain amount of money but you keep getting arrested and robbed then you are gna lose tons of bamboo.
tMoist, shockraver1 liked this
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By Flopdup
Great idea
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By Grandpa Miu
A 10% loss means that everyone loses their whole balance after they die multiple times times, you be thinking "Well I don't die so often" well you might reconsider, lets say you don't die daily, you die once 3 days or once a week, someone with a 1 mil balance would first lose 100k , then 90k , then 80k and so on and that means you would have to make 100k+ every 3 days, people with a 100k balance would lose 10k and so on so it would be near impossible to increase your balance.

And about the loot erase, imagine you're doing a raid, a cop comes and you kill him, then his loot disappears. Therefore we would need a /stopraid command which would annouce in chat and if the officer dies / raider dies the loot doesn't despawn.I do like the idea about erasing inventories which would stop *vultures* from taking the kos loot, +1 on that one. but in situations like robberies/raids/arrests/kidnaps/hits the loot shouldn't despawn
tMoist, shockraver1 liked this
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By Offset!
If i loose money when i die,Il be trigged af
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By tMoist
A 10% loss means that everyone loses their whole balance after they die multiple times times, you be thinking "Well I don't die so often" well you might reconsider, lets say you don't die daily, you die once 3 days or once a week, someone with a 1 mil balance would first lose 100k , then 90k , then 80k and so on and that means you would have to make 100k+ every 3 days, people with a 100k balance would lose 10k and so on so it would be near impossible to increase your balance.

And about the loot erase, imagine you're doing a raid, a cop comes and you kill him, then his loot disappears. Therefore we would need a /stopraid command which would annouce in chat and if the officer dies / raider dies the loot doesn't despawn.I do like the idea about erasing inventories which would stop *vultures* from taking the kos loot, +1 on that one. but in situations like robberies/raids/arrests/kidnaps/hits the loot shouldn't despawn
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By Doc Night
I do not believe bamboo should be a contributing factor in the loss. Items themselves are treasured and usually killed for, Clear inventory on death does many things from a roleplay standpoint. No more vultures swooping in and kosing for free loot, cause it ain't there. It offers other roleplay elements as well, suddenly impersonation becomes harder to pull off, or even not having a bunch of people standing in the middle of the street yelling. " HEY! That hell's fury is mine" etc.