Post Your Ideas or Suggestions for our RP Servers Here!
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By Cokolino
So we all know that drugs are illegal and people only have them so they can be arrested (cant blame them for wanting to take the challange againts cops). But the drugs dont give you the same effect as in real life ( DONT ask me how i know this but i have some experience ). We should do like a command or something like each time you eat a berrie you get a chance to get $$$ ( Gambling basicly ). The Better the drug the higher the reward or maybe even a HIGH reward and a low chance . If possible maybe even put a cooldown. On #13 its easyer to do that 2. This would give DRUG LORDS better positions and they can make a lot more.

The drugs now are only here to police bait... It needs to change...
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By Lord Gaben
Would ruin the economy.
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By Helena
-1 could be exploted a lot
jsut imagine me with 6 plots full of berries in 1 corner of large pei, gambling for 1 hour, re platning and coming back after 1 hour and star gambling for another hour
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By tMoist
-1 could be exploted a lot
jsut imagine me with 6 plots full of berries in 1 corner of large pei, gambling for 1 hour, re platning and coming back after 1 hour and star gambling for another hour
True. And on 13 some legend has designed the map so that there's 3 times as much berry bushes. You can get up to 18 berries for every patch you come across. I like the idea of drugs and berries giving you buffs, just not for cash.
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By WildWest
-1 could be exploted a lot
jsut imagine me with 6 plots full of berries in 1 corner of large pei, gambling for 1 hour, re platning and coming back after 1 hour and star gambling for another hour
Yep, like, i played for over a week on 13 again, and started a farm, i got like 90 berries every hour, + 18 weed bags + all the other berries i had