Post Your Ideas or Suggestions for our RP Servers Here!
By jakora222
HOW ABOUT THIS use better modrators ones who well actully help a player insted of bringing up rules that has nothing to do with his or her sitution nor closeing of teh freaking topic ban appel and makeing the player rage AKA meeeeeeee use BETTER FREAKING MODRATORS we need more people liek flopdub and soap and i4sheep u need morer people like them to make palyign fare
Ok dude I'm gna tell you this in a way which I want you not to rage. By creating this topic ur not helping ur case of getting unbanned.
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By tMoist
Ok dude I'm gna tell you this in a way which I want you not to rage. By creating this topic ur not helping ur case of getting unbanned.
By Sudath
Hello, if you have any problems with any moderator not being helpful please report them. If you don't report them then there is nothing we can do and we won't be aware of the certain situations. Topic locked.