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By Helena
Recently many people come to me or refer to me as a mod and when i ask, they say that they were told that i am a mod. The reason of this post is because i have been harassed by many people that just ask for help and even when i tell them that i am not a mod they think i lie, also because i just got in this situation where i was at scorpion 7 and some random dude comes to me saying "yo banana help me" (thinking i am a mod) and after triying to avoid him (which i did) he said he was reporting me or some stuff (everything happened in voice chat; no evidence tho). All the players that have refered to me as a mod are player without ranks. Someone is telling or told people i am a mod and i get swarmed sometimes 😖. I don't want to see a player report on me saying stuff like "biased mod" and get in trouble