You can talk about anything you ever want here! (Within Pandahut Rules)
By The Enclave
Honestly the server has turned into the stereotype RP server Ex. 24 Players: 20 Bandits 1 Builder 2 Weaponsmiths 1 Hitman 0 Cops.
RIP Police Force On #13
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By Sp4x
That's true, to some extent, when 13 has always been primarily cops or robbers, hell, we should have just stripped all other roles and made a cops and robbers server. But, there has always been a majority of players as cops or bandits. Although in the early days of 13, there where much more neutral roles and a rarity of donor roles.

Before all the plugins where added, when all you had to do is type "Robbery on ___" there was a lot more roleplay and a lot less KOS.

Now the server is filled with immature people getting upset when they lose a RP situation and trying to find a way to see that the other play broke some sort of rule. The plugins have made it so you have to be spot on to not get Introuble.

But I do appreciate all the work the owners and admins have put into the server.
Those were the good old days, when I was a TrialMod and a Police Deputy, and you were a Police captain. Ahhhhh, I miss those days.