You can talk about anything you ever want here! (Within Pandahut Rules)
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By Arashi_tlk
Not yet, but I plan on making it there. If it wasn't for friends being lazy and asking for money all the time xD. I went on a grind fest last night and made 70k.
By IGNMercury
I made 150k in like two hours. ((;
You were there Kohai; you were helping caseyphillips420 get to the sky base near Scorpion-7 in Washington.

Then Mushy showed up and demanded to know how.

I would've been a millionaire in ten more hours.

Fishy fishaaay~
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By Arashi_tlk
Seems people are breaking away from topic.....
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By Grape
I wonder how do you do this....i only have 5k....I thought i was rich at 10k. Guess not