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By Avery_Shaw
1.Congress will all be gathered in one room with the mayor.

2.In order for a law to be passed more than half of congress have to agree

3.If the law isn’t passed congress will have to wait one day (In real life) in order to reconsider

4.In order to be cut from the congress, all of the committee has to agree (If one doesn’t agree then the person shall not be dismissed)

5.In order to re vote to get the person of congress dismissed you have to wait one day (in real life)

6.If someone apart of the congress is corrupt (and there is proof) it will be an immediate dismissal

7.People of congress: There at least has to be one Police Captain, one Police Deputy, one Police Chief.

8.If we declare an attack on someone the congress have to approve. More than half of the congress has to agree. (DOD’s involvement aka Secretary of Bandits)

9.To be elected as congress you have to go to the Mayor(If under the age of 15) and ask for approval to apply (If denied you must wait two days to ask again)
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