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By TheBandit
I got kosed again,in that morning,when no admins were online,AGAIN.

What happend:That guy who killed me,started to hit me before he killed me,then i shooted him,for self defense,then he came back,took his weapon and kill me,thats illegal,he hited me many times,it was self defense,i got evidence :
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By Queenie
This happened on RP1 in seattle from the screenshot if im correct. Since I do not have logs I will ask a moderator that has logs handle this issue. Thank you for reporting.
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By RagnarosPower
It seems as the "Ultimate_Boss" person went online, killed somebody and insta logged. He only killed 2 people although he might've attempted to kill more, and he knew what he was doing hence why he was combat logging all the time, he was also changing his name whenever leaving. He has been given a permanent ban from #10, please contact me for a refund. Please accept my apology for this incident.