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By The Realist
Every time I log on, I see constant kidnap warnings and alerts in the chat (particularly the Gotham Group), and judging by the amount of times they got their ransom, or got a "pulled gun kill", Kidnappers easily make 5000+ in 30 minutes or less. This needs to change by one or two ways.
1. We have a cooldown on their alerts making them plan out their attacks, in stead of spamming it and easily collecting money, or items (easy to implement and likely)
2.Police are now forced to respond to the alerts. Too many times I have seen desperate cries for help from victims, but selfish police dont respond, caring for their items than RP (in fair reason, kidnappers are op though). This drastic solution would make kidnappers think twice about using their abilities if no cooldown is applied, since the one of the top roles are police, and would be swarmed by officers with guns. (unlikely but alternate solution
Please consider these changes, the kidnappers are currently OP and a easy get rich quick role, which should not exist.
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By Skyfry428
+1 I see people getting kidnapped all the time, one after the other, that money builds up and eventually people could have a hard time paying it off
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By Steeeve
+1 Completly agree with you Realist. But about policemen being selfish ain't the only reason why cops don't do anyting. I am a police officer on #10 for about a week and almost every time there's a kidnapping I am the only one responding to it, this makes me vulnerable and takes away one of police's best tactics to retrieve hostages-rushes with overwhelming numbers.
i want it so where Civilians can help with the robbers and the kidnaps and the raid so why not civilians do it some civilians might do better than some cops no offense bt some of you guys need to set it up
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By The Realist
i want it so where Civilians can help with the robbers and the kidnaps and the raid so why not civilians do it some civilians might do better than some cops no offense bt some of you guys need to set it up
Because mods clearly make the commands and rules, right
By kenji
1- I dont think its a good idea to reduce time i mean its also hard to be a kidnapper example while typing in chat to warn them they could easily pull their guns out and starts shooting you also they could get banned if they didnt warn they could also get banned if the assist did not type in chat Rescue. all u have to do to get avoided is to always put ur guns out,kill the kidnapper before the other guy says assist in chat and also avoid people that looks like kidnappers :)