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Getting banned
write the worst thing u did in pandahut xD

edit: I was paid by tomatochunks to raid T-gaming's funeral church I feel bad now
Damn, that is fucking wack.
Probably the worst thing I have done and continue to do is raiding bases. I fuck them up so bad they are not usable anymore. I raid the floors. I will raid the base to the point that I let others know that if they see it, BMC did it. I will raid anyone, for any reason. I have raided mod shacks and good bases for the purpose of doing it.
Sp4x, Outspace liked this
Getting demoted due to a misunderstanding but eh it's in the past.
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By iMC
KOSed someone by accident because I was scoped in while trying to stop a robbery.

The robbery ended 5 seconds after I shot him, but I didn't notice because I'm bad at PVP.
