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By The Realist
New role, clothier
Works like gun dealer, but has access to almost all of the clothing, including desert military gear
Essential to people wanting to buy clothing but cant
Some hat
Black scarf
Suit Top
Cargo Pants
Lockers for store
Maybe a colt for self defence?
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By Miku
I doubt anyone would pick this role to be honest, like think about it, who would want to be a clothing seller? I think it'd be boring.
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By Sense
Meh, i gave it a shot. TBH, who wants to be a farmer, or a chef? think about that.
To be honest, ive only seen like 2 farmers and only 1 chef who changed his role shortly after lol...
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By Arashi_tlk
Gonna have to remove the simple buy of the MRE's and Chefs and Farmers will have a reason. Seems Medic/Doctors are struggling as well. But that's due to people either suiciding when they need health, or shredding clothes and making dressings.