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By TheRealRhinoGaming
I got banned for kosing 3 people for 3 days. what happened is this guy had glue and berries and I am a sawt so I said if you drop it I will let you go with a warning.Then his friend tried to give me vaccine I thought it was addreniline so it shot and killed him by mistake I paniced. then father zoidberg said drop the berries and glue and didn't call a rob and had guns pointed at my head so I killed them then another bandit killed me.thats when I got banned for kosing 3 people so do I really deserver to be banned for 3 days for people who were false robbing and had guns pointed at my head. I get that I would be baneed for a day or a few hours for kosing a guy on mistake but I didn't take his stuff and I told hime to tpa to me to get his stuff do I really deserver a 3 day ban ???????