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Replace Monolith Arena with Alpha Valley

Unread postPosted:January 9th, 2018, 9:40 am
by Bad Aim Bro No. 2
Around two weeks ago I was talking on Discord with Miku about it.
As someone addicted to Pandahut's Arena servers, I am asking here again, to bring it back.

The most popular arena servers on Pandahut are PEI and Bunker. I did not pay much attention to Monolith map before the recent changes but server seems to be dead for most of the time and when it has some people, it's just 7-10. Alpha Valley maybe was not doing that well recently but had more players imo and it was definitely the easiest server to seed.
By seeding I mean joining it when it has no players and waiting for someone to join. PEI is impossible to seed on early hours because spawn time after you die is insanely long. When it's 10 people or less, they just leave.
Monolith map is just boring. Design is one thing, weaps the other. Alpha Valley combines PEI and Monolith - we have a town and some forest, hills. Much more weaps, better spawns and closing points make PvP much better and more interesting.

I spent so many hours on it and I just miss it. Since Bunker Arena is populated (people probably like loadouts more than the map tho), it should obviously stay. This is why I am asking for Monolith to be replaced. At least for some time to see if it will be better.
I will even seed it from time to time. Just bring back the best arena map, damnit.

Re: Replace Monolith Arena with Alpha Valley

Unread postPosted:January 9th, 2018, 10:19 am
by Aren
Thanks for the suggestion!

I will attach a poll so we receive feedback from the community

Re: Replace Monolith Arena with Alpha Valley

Unread postPosted:January 9th, 2018, 10:28 am
by Bad Aim Bro No. 2
Okay, cool although I know that switching maps or doing something else with the files once a week is just pain in the ass. I was getting sick when I had to update the shop on my servers. I doubt Mushy or Miku would be doing it, at least not once a week. The whole idea about switching maps is okay tho.

Re: Replace Monolith Arena with Alpha Valley

Unread postPosted:January 9th, 2018, 2:44 pm
by TrippL
Or you could just add another arena server mabye

Re: Replace Monolith Arena with Alpha Valley

Unread postPosted:January 9th, 2018, 3:01 pm
by Mushy
Hey man, it’s been quite a while since Alpha Valley was added to Server #22. Check our Servers List :-)
Okay, cool although I know that switching maps or doing something else with the files once a week is just pain in the ass. I was getting sick when I had to update the shop on my servers. I doubt Mushy or Miku would be doing it, at least not once a week. The whole idea about switching maps is okay tho.
It’s not a hassle. Switching Arena maps takes about 10-15 seconds.

I honestly don’t see the point in switching Arena maps every week, as we already have one server for every official Unturned Arena map besides Washington Arena (never gets played) and Paintball Arena.