Post Your Ideas or Suggestions for PvP Servers Here!
Or maybe even for a new server! I've personally been working on a map and it's coming along; the following preview is not finished and still has a lot of work to be done. I would personally range it from 30%-40% complete! I wanted to use this map for my own server that I run but I feel it would be better suited for your player-base considering you have five servers set up. You also don't give off the vibe of a one man show like I am. I still need to fine-tune the terrain and make sure it is complete before releasing it to the public.


As you can see there is still a lot of work to be done and only the grassy area has been worked on! It's still got a lot to be added since it's only been about 3 weeks since I've been working on it and I also have a full-time job in real life.

A little bit about the map

I still have yet to think of a name for the map so right now I'm just going with 'Wagga Wagga' as a placeholder until I can figure out a good one to name it. It'll be a multi-biome map and the grass-lands will serve as a starting area for players to begin their survival in the zombie wasteland that once flourished.

Players will need to venture out from the safety of the grassy areas inside the desert and the snowy mountains for more bountiful loot! There will be very minimal military loot in the grassy area. There will be a safezone trading post players will be able to go to so that they can trade with other players without the fear of being killed; there will also be an area for Admins to send players on a 'shopping spree' of sorts after events!

From the forest you will be presented with two choices:

You can head to the desert biome but be sure to bring plenty of water and wear light clothing that won't overheat you; yes you heard correctly, overheat. It'll be the new de-buff added to the game that will take into account the type of clothing you're wearing and drain your thirst meter accordingly (hopefully that's the case! If you don't know what I'm talking about here is Nelson's Trello roadmap:

Wearing a sweater in the desert? This will make you overheat much quicker and you'll need stay hydrated much more than you would with just a regular shirt. Once inside the desert you'll have sporadic villages that were once home to humans that are now infested with zombies. Within the desert you'll find small FOB's (forward operating bases) that the military set up for the coming apocalypse but ultimately failed in their mission with a few Oasis' in between towns to refill your canteens.

Then onto the winter wasteland... Within the vast snowy expanse of the winter biome you'll have one small town and some cabins. Zombies have a difficult time surviving in the snow but don't think that means easy pickings for a new predator reigns supreme within this biome. Here you will find the Timber Wolf has taken over and over-populated the once thriving snow covered lands and mountains (I would need help adding this, I made a post about this on the Unturned subreddit and Nelson replied saying: "Wolves can be added with the animals systems although a bit more work on my end should be done for aggressive animals at some point."). Now stripped of their resources due to Scorpion-7's experimental research and testing chemical agents on the surrounding lands to try and find a way to combat the zombie hordes.

Timber Wolfs will patrol in packs of 3-5 wolves and have a chance to be accompanied by an Alpha Timber Wolf. Wolfs will be inflicted with the rabies virus and cause harm to your toxicity level just like zombies do. They will also be faster than normal zombies so you can outrun them but you cannot out-walk them so use your stamina wisely or you may end up on their dinner plate.

If you're lucky you'll find the Scorpion-7's bunker where the experiments took place. Possibly add a FOB in this biome as well.

In the center of all this chaos will be the main city hub overrun by vegetation due to not being maintained by humans. Here you will find that the military set up here as a last ditch effort to save the human race, guns will be sparse as the city has been picked clean by raiders and humans alike then left for greener, much safer pastures.

Well that's about all I can come up with right now considering I'm doing this alone with a little collaboration from another author on the Steam Workshop, his name is Sketches and he made Foxtail and a recently new map called Chalvar. He is an awesome detailer even though he hates it.

If you guys have any suggestions on what would make or break this map let me know, I still got a lot of work to do and I'm waiting on Nelson to add more updates to the game as I go along. Thanks for reading. :)